At CHI 2018

Publications presented at CHI 2018, Montreal

Breaking the glass project related
  • Paper: Sahoo, D., Neate, T., Tokuda, Y., Pearson, J., Robinson, S., Subramanian, S. & Jones, M. Tangible Drops: A Visio-Tactile Display Using Actuated Liquid-Metal Droplets. Proceedings of CHI, 2018.
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  • Paper: Qamar, I., Groh, R., Holman, D. & Roudaut, A. HCI meets Material Science: A Literature Review of Morphing Materials for the Design of Shape-Changing Interfaces. Proceedings of CHI, 2018. Honorable mention award.
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  • Paper: Kim, H., Coutrix, C. & Roudaut, A. Morphees+: Studying Everyday Reconfigurable Objects for the Design and Taxonomy of Reconfigurable UIs. Proceedings of CHI, 2018. Honorable mention award.
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  • Paper: Kim, H., Coutrix, C. & Roudaut, A. KnobSlider: Design of a Shape-Changing UI for Parameter Control. Proceedings of CHI, 2018.
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  • Paper: Alexander, J., Roudaut, A., Steimle, J., Hornbæk, K., Bruns Alonso, M., Follmer, S. & Merritt, T. Grand Challenges in Shape-Changing Interface Research. Proceedings of CHI, 2018.
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  • Course: Robinson, S., Pearson, J. & Jones, M. Mobile UX – The Next Ten Years?. At CHI, 2018.
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Other projects
  • Paper: Robinson, S., Pearson, J., Reitmaier, T., Ahire, S. & Jones, M. Make Yourself at Phone: Reimagining Mobile Interaction Architectures With Emergent Users. Proceedings of CHI, 2018.
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  • Paper: Goguey, A., Casiez, G., Vogel, D. & Gutwin, C. Characterizing Finger Pitch and Roll Orientation During Atomic Touch Actions. Proceedings of CHI, 2018.
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  • Paper: Goguey, A., Malacria, S. & Gutwin, C. Improving Discoverability and Expert Performance in Force-Sensitive Text Selection for Touch Devices with Mode Gauges. Proceedings of CHI, 2018.
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  • Paper: Goguey, A., Casiez, G., Cockburn, A. & Gutwin, C. Storyboard-Based Empirical Modelling of Touch Interface Performance. Proceedings of CHI, 2018. Honorable mention award.
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  • Paper: Eardley, R., Roudaut, A., Gill, S. & Thompson, S. Investigating How Smartphone Movement is Affected by Body Posture. Proceedings of CHI, 2018.
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  • Paper: Jamil, I., Montero, C., Perry, M., O'Hara, K., Karnik, A., Pihlainen, K., Marshall, M., Jha, S., Gupta, S. & Subramanian, S. Collaborating Around Digital Tabletops: Children's Physical Strategies From India, The UK And Finland. Proceedings of CHI, 2018.
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  • Paper: Martinez, P., Maggioni, E., Hornbæk, K., Obrist, M. & Subramanian, S. Beyond the Libet Clock: Modality Variants for Agency Measurements. Proceedings of CHI, 2018.
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  • Paper: Freeman, E., Williamson, J., Subramanian, S. & Brewster, S. Point-and-Shake: Selecting from Levitating Object Displays. Proceedings of CHI, 2018.
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  • Workshop: Giordano, M., Georgiou, O., Dzidek, B., Corenthy, L., Ryong Kim, J., Subramanian, S. & Brewster, S. Mid-Air Haptics for Control Interfaces. At CHI, 2018.
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  • Late-breaking Work: Mourouzi, C., Qamar, I. & Roudaut, A. SweepScreen: Sweeping Programmable Surfaces to Create Low-fi Displays Everywhere. Proceedings of CHI, 2018.
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  • Demonstration: Goguey, A., Casiez, G., Cockburn, A. & Gutwin, C. Storyboard-Based Empirical Modelling of Touch Interface Performance. Proceedings of CHI, 2018.
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  • Demonstration: Corenthy, L., Giordano, M., Hayden, R., Griffiths, D., Jeffrey, C., Limerick, H., Georgiou, O., Carter, T., Müller, J. & Subramanian, S. Touchless Tactile Displays for Digital Signage: Mid-air Haptics meets Large Screens. Proceedings of CHI, 2018.
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